The manager laughed. I don’t want to argue with you. I’ll get ready first. I have to get ready and have a good sleep.
When the Eldar patriarch saw the manager go, he also retired to prepare for the role of mantis tonight.
In the dark, the moon is dark and windy, and the killing night is dark. Groups of wild animals move quietly and quickly under the cover of the night. It is rare that their huge bodies didn’t ring.
Ten kilometers is a kung fu for a trained beast. When it is close to the enemy, a sound stops Beamont beast.
Then the sound of a special language, Beamont Beasts, grunted for a while, and then thousands of Beamont Beasts retreated in an orderly fashion, leaving a small group standing in the ground.
Ow! A huge beast broke the silent night, and then a fireball appeared in the dark night.
Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow
Instantly, tens of millions of wild animals pulled their throats and sang loudly, and the trees fell in the distance. Other mercenary groups of Cycas had just slept, but they jumped up at the first time after hearing the barking of Beamont.
Ah, it’s a rare Beamont beast. Run, everyone. A mercenary saw the Beamont beast by releasing a fireball. After throwing a fireball, he shouted and quickly cast his wind magic to escape.
The mercenary’s body flew in the sky and was killed by an ice arrow shining with cold light in the dark. Before his life disappeared, he made a chilling scream.
Come on, the enemy is coming, get ready to fight, or get sleepy. A mercenary captain even put on the wrong clothes and rushed in with a weapon in his hurry.
Oh, my God, it turned out to be a rare Beamont beast mercenary squad leader. He shouted and let go of quarrelling, and his feet flew to the nearest Beamont beast sword.
During the flight, he quickly attacked more than a dozen swords, all of which were the key places of Beamont beast, but Beamont beast didn’t seem to respond at all. When he jumped in front of Beamont beast, Beamont beast found that this fly was beating himself.
Beamont beast immediately barked and slapped the mercenary captain one by one. The mercenary captain was not a junior and easily evaded this quick slap, but for a moment, his eyes widened and his mind went blank.
Chapter one hundred Cut
A man with such a strong maple overnight almost suffered a loss in the palm of Beamont beast. A small mercenary captain can escape too flexibly, which is more powerful than energy. The small captain of Beamont beast can avoid the palm of Beamont beast, which is also regarded as speed superman.
Beamont beast is rare in Warcraft, and their speed and wisdom are enough to make their enemies afraid. What scares their enemies most is Beamont beast magic. Beamont beast magic ranks third in Warcraft, and magic dragon is the first.
Thousands of Beamont beasts are afraid in front of hundreds of thousands of mercenaries, and their tall bodies have taken advantage in the battle, even though the mercenaries are all great wizards and warriors.
Team up, team up, hurry up. A mercenary captain shouted at the mercenary. Didn’t you fucking have dinner last night? Hurry up. If we don’t unite in front of the powerful Beamont beast, it will be death to wait for us.
That’s right, that’s the speed. The mercenary captain is very satisfied. In just a few seconds, a team of dozens of people was formed manually.
Magicians attack, and then the samurai give me a good beating, beating them until they don’t even know their mother. The mercenary captain is dead.
In the dark, balls of light with different colors hit the black, tall and hairy backs, and the balls burst on their bodies to form tiny and beautiful florets, which fell to the ground one after another, burning the ground instantly and freezing, or directly turning up the soil.
Fuck the magic warrior. Come on, mercenary captain, pull the people around him and push forward like a crazy mental patient.
The whirring warriors are not willing to die like this after the feet of Warcraft release different colors of quarrelling, and when they see the Beamont beast with their swords, they fly in front of them and display their favorite tricks to deal with the Beamont beast.
Beamont beast in front of dealing with a few people suddenly feel different head also don’t back to a harder than iron palm quickly back.
Poof, before a swordsman approached Beamont’s animal body, he was slapped with energy and broke several ribs. His soft body was still broken, and the kite slipped for dozens of meters and fell to the ground.
Seeing this terrible situation, the warrior’s heart tightened and he flinched, but the immediate danger could not make him flinch. The Beamont beast stared at him with bare eyes and the magic in his mouth came at a warrior like a missile with a tail of fire.
Had a narrow squeak. The samurai flashed through Beamont’s beast fire magic. In his heart, he secretly called out a pair of hands with a big blade and flew to Beamont’s beast belly.
Ow, the belly is being cut in pain. Beamont beast shouted a pair of palms and took aim at the swordsmen. The speed of the blow was much faster than that of Monte beast. The swordsmen were directly flown to the sky by this blow. Beamont beast was still unwilling to spray a flame to the flying swordsmen in the sky, leaving a beautiful red light in the dark. Accompanied by red light, it was a frightening scream.
You’re all dead. Didn’t you see that Beamont beast was injured? Attack it quickly. The mercenary captain shouted to the samurai who were staring at the sky in a daze
Woke up from a daze, the warriors drew their swords against the injured Beamont beast, but they made a shock wave and missed.
Ow! Ow! For three consecutive times, you can hear the injured Beamont beast. The feeling be nasty is over. The huge body rises to avoid the hundred shock waves. It’s another roar. Before death, the Beamont beast chose to do the same with the enemy. After that, it was a burst of screams, and then it was a splash of beautiful blood flowers.
Nagin felt that things were not simple as soon as the Beamont beast came, but he couldn’t think that Beamont beast had magically settled more than a dozen mercenaries. Now thousands of Beamont beasts are scattered in their mercenary groups, and their screams have never been broken. So they will soon collapse. Once they collapse, they are still in Lunsheng territory, and it is difficult to die.
Calm down, calm down, calm down. Nagin’s rough voice has been broadcast for several kilometers. Mercenaries camped in the distance and their ears are buzzing.
If you can retreat, retreat quickly. Don’t let the Beamont beasts get entangled. Do you hear Na Jinyin’s continued? Soldiers can retreat quickly. The Beamont beasts will be dealt with by our team captains. Do you hear me?
People can hear clearly when they hear the passionate and loud sound of 200,000 people, and the children are scared to pee.
It’s so easy to retreat? Eldar clan chiefs said that the power of Beamont beast was really said and waved to the people. Several people nodded and retreated.
People’s escape energy is extremely strong and extremely fast, and when they hear that they are not fighting, they are happy to go back like a flood to Beamont, and there is a piece of white around the beast
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