The cannon light spread out in an unprecedented frequency. Harley tried a new fighting skill, which he called "jumping dragonfly killing"

Harley is not satisfied with the long-range sniper bombardment, but has developed a new attack mode according to the characteristics of Phantom of the Opera light cannon, which is like a dragonfly, causing a large ripple with one shot. Wherever the ripple is, it has to bear the knife-shaped killing. The difficulty of jumping dragonfly […]

It took him a long time to adjust his state, sit squarely at the top of the camera and say kindly and gently, "However, I am a father, and I am sorry that my father was not with you when you were born. Later, when you grew up, my father was still not with you, and when my father was ready to pick you up and your mother, there was another accident."

Speaking of this, Xiao Yuanfeng sighed again and again, "Dad was lucky to live, but he was badly injured and almost died several times. It was you and my child who made me bite my teeth and survive. Now I have found Qinghe." "However, dad can’t go to see you for the time being. When […]

And in a strange way.

The t of mastering that stick is the fight spirit of the monks. Fight against heaven and fight against the spirit. Only when the fighting spirit and fighting consciousness of the monks reach a certain level can they gain the recognition of the bucket stick and gradually give full play to some of its strength. […]

Last night, Ling Feiyu’s last sentence before she fell into a coma was to tell him not to tell Jane about it. She was worried that Jane would hurt her and the baby in her stomach.

But in the present situation, Cheng Xuyang has no second choice. If he doesn’t tell Jane the truth, Lingfei will be in danger. Cheng Xuyang was forced by Naide to tell the truth. "Yesterday afternoon, when the express shift was over, the workshop suddenly caught fire and flew to her …" "How’s Feiyu?" Jane jumped […]

At this time, Shi Xueer put her hand towards the rock wall and put it in, which made Yan Feng’s eyes look at a sudden and she didn’t believe her hand was going to wear this rock wall, but she couldn’t put her hand in like Shi Xueer, and then she saw Shi Xueer’s whole body go in, which made Yan Feng feel a little crazy. What’s going on?

Teacher Xueer went in and came out again after a wick of incense. "Sir, this rock wall is about five hundred miles thick, so you can go through it," said Shixueer. When Bai Zhongxian heard Shi Xueer’s words, he spoke on the spot. It took this demon a million years to get two miles. Will […]

"Hey hey, I haven’t asked you. You earned forty thousand dollars at school last year, and this time you grandly took five hundred thousand dollars from the Cheng family. What do you want? I’m telling you, if I hadn’t blown the pillow for you, your mother would have taken it away. "

"Nothing" Qi Yufeng looked up at the distant mountains outside and had a meal "I want to rebuild Huashan School" "Well, that’s also a reason. I can barely do the work on your mother’s side, but you’re not interesting enough. You can see that your parents are still eating chaff and pharynx here?" "Don’t say […]