Li Yi, after all, is a boy, but he is not so entangled. Since he doesn’t want to go to Taiwan, he won’t go to Taiwan, and it doesn’t mean anything.

Yanxian also made a good start, and the atmosphere finally returned to normal, so that the class cadre campaign could go smoothly. The next few agendas are also going well, which makes both Wang Wenzan and Wang Wenxue breathe a sigh of relief. Zhu Ying also breathed a sigh of relief. If we delay going […]

"The wonderful end is so wonderful. It’s quite interesting to come to this Shanghai Metropolitan Guild. I didn’t expect all the bosses to get together here. It’s really not for nothing that I played such a big drama!"

Suddenly, the door was opened from the outside, and everyone was surprised. Even the middle-aged man on the sofa who had nothing to do with everything looked at the door involuntarily. Hearing this, his shoulders trembled and seemed to move! Volume 4 or YueYuan Chapter 226 Palm flower The Lancet! The bearer is naturally Jianghan! […]

Moreel Han quickly made a decision! Withdraw your palm!

Moreel rare withdraw palm hurry back! However, Ling Feiyang’s two fingers are still chasing Moreel Han through hail and fireballs! "Poop!" Moreel Abraham obviously underestimated the power of Six-pulse Excalibur. Although he evaded the key, his left and right shoulders were still middle fingers at the same time! The body rushed out four or five […]

She was sure that she would kill him herself.

She kept her word. "Kill me?" Qin Yinze’s repetition of Qin Leran’s words seems to be wondering how likely she is to say this sentence. "So you’d better not impress him, otherwise my sentence is definitely not as simple as talking about it." Qin Leran said this sentence with a shallow smile on his lips. […]